‘Love is Love’ Is Becoming More Than Just an Obama Era Slogun—Gay Population Is Creating and Spreading Drug-Resistant Diseases

In 2015, Barack Hussein Obama legalized gay marriage under the banner of “love is love,” as if to send a clear message to Christians that their faith and teachings do not matter.

This from revolver.news.

Unfortunately, a large number of conservatives felt pressured and guilted into supporting this move. Partly because they wrongfully thought this would placate gays and nothing more would come of it. And specifically, because gay activists lied and said:

All we want is to hold hands in public and get a tax break.

This acceptance from conservatives was the equivalent of a damn bursting and the country being flooded with unforeseen demands and tangential problems. Additionally, Christianity has experienced a permanent distortion of the traditional, Biblical meaning of marriage that may very well be part of the perceived downfall of Christianity in America today.

So, nearly a decade has passed since the law was enacted, and what is actually the situation now?

Well, the left is actively grooming children into the LGBTQ army, and everyone’s lopping off their genitals and switching genders. Oh, and in case you haven’t heard, “men” can now give birth.

In short, the American culture is changing with customs and mannerisms unfolding in ways that Conservatism could not have imagined, but this is just as the left had hoped and anticipated.

And, is there a payoff for all this LGBTQ activism growing in dominance over the past decade and if so, what is it?

Well, aside from creating division and promoting deviance, drug-resistant plagues and diseases are also coming out on top. Hooray! It turns out that since the passing of “love is love,” grotesque sexual diseases are skyrocketing in the United States with no end in sight.


The data show a 74% increase in syphilis over five years, as well as 2,800 congenital syphilis cases in 2021, including 220 that resulted in infant deaths. The data also show chlamydia rates that have risen up to pre-pandemic levels after cases went undetected during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

But aside from the spread of treatable STDs, there’s even worse news on the horizon.

U.S. health officials are now creating a ‘morning after’ pill for gay men, thanks to the rise in STD’s, but the ‘cure’ they propose to slow down the massive spread of these disgusting diseases will also likely make the diseases stronger and the drugs useless down the road.


U.S. health officials plan to endorse a common antibiotic as a morning-after pill that gay and bisexual men can use to try to avoid some increasingly common sexually transmitted diseases.

The proposed CDC guideline was released Monday, and officials will move to finalize it after a 45-day public comment period. With STD rates rising to record levels, ‘more tools are desperately needed,’ said Dr. Jonathan Mermin of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The proposal comes after studies found some people who took the antibiotic doxycycline within three days of unprotected sex were far less likely to get chlamydia, syphilis or gonorrhea compared with people who did not take the pills after sex.

The guideline is specific to the group that has been most studied —gay and bisexual men and transgender women who had a STD in the previous 12 months and were at high risk to get infected again.


Doxycycline, a cheap antibiotic that has been available for more than 40 years, is a treatment for health problems including acne, chlamydia and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

The CDC guidelines were based on four studies of using doxycycline against bacterial STDs.

One of the most influential was a New England Journal of Medicine study earlier this year. It found that gay men, bisexual men and transgender women with previous STD infections who took the pills were about 90% less likely to get chlamydia, about 80% less likely to get syphilis and more than 50% less likely to get gonorrhea compared with people who didn’t take the pills after sex.


The drug’s side effects include stomach problems and rashes after sun exposure. Some research has found it ineffective in heterosexual women. And widespread use of doxycycline as a preventive measure could — theoretically — contribute to mutations that make bacteria impervious to the drug.

So, it’s true. According to the CDC, the gay community is essentially contributing to the development of new, stronger, and more potent sexually transmitted diseases that will eventually affect the broader population.

We are finding that “love is love” is becoming more than just a slogan—it’s also turning into a catalyst for disease, illness, and shame.

Final thoughts: I doubt anyone imagined fourteen years ago the Obama ‘Transformation of America’ would include all the surprises our beloved country is facing. Hind sight is 20/20.